Hello Eric,
Just want you fellows to know that your CCW class was EXCELLENT. It is well designed, written and executed. My education and working career centered on staff education and training and I want you Eric, Walt, Brendon and Brady to know that your presentation rocks. There are no weak spots or areas in need of improvement - though I expect you all by nature continually work on content material.
You four all bring a lot to the classroom and not a trace of ego. There is some real good chemistry and humor in your interpersonal relationships that the whole class can see and benefit from. Brad Farmer was spot on when he recommended your class.
Thank you so much for the gift of this class. I feel way more confident about owning and firing a gun. The lecture was very informative and at times funny. Loved the scenarios. Eric in my pink eye goggles you rock. The instructors were so patient and informative about shooting our guns. I saw some people who looked nervous, come away looking so much more confident.
Loved loved loved the class and appreciate you guys so much
- Debbie Y
- Harvey F